We now offer Jasper Engine and Transmission Repair. We will be closing at noon on December 24th and reopen on December 26th. Happy Holidays!
(231) 773-6126
| 2000 E Laketon Ave. | Muskegon, MI 49442
Current Location

Auto Services

We provide quality auto services that are sure to keep your vehicle running in tip-top shape. Stop in and see us if you're looking for services such as brake repair, engine tune-ups, wheel bearing work and more. Come and visit us today!

NAPA AutoCare Benefits

Welcome to

Flannery's Service

Flannery's Service is an independent, family-owned auto repair shop serving Muskegon, MI, Ferrysburg, MI, Montague, MI, and surrounding areas. We are a NAPA AutoCare Center with ASE-certified technicians on staff who undergo continuous training to maintain their certification and stay up to date on the best repair practices for your vehicle. We're also on hand for preventive maintenance, tires, and wheels. When it's time for your next oil change or you need a problem diagnosed and repaired, call (231) 773-6126 or visit our auto repair shop.

We're located at 2000 E Laketon Ave. Muskegon MI 49442. Our hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. We look forward to serving you.

See directions and hours of operation.

Ask about our Veteran Discounts.

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Nokian TiresHankook TiresCooper Tires

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Contact Us

Phone: (231) 773-6126
Address: 2000 E Laketon Ave.
Muskegon, MI 49442
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